Event Review: Somerset Council breakfast with Cllr Mike Rigby

SP Broadway was delighted to welcome Cllr Mike Rigby, Lead Member for Economic Development and Planning for Somerset Council, as the guest speaker for our latest online Politics of Planning roundtable.

Attendees from Barratt Redrow, Hallam Land, Savills, Abri and Stantec, among others, all contributed to the discussion. Topics covered included the impact of council re-organisation, the budget constraints faced by many local authorities and methods of infrastructure delivery.

Cllr Rigby gave an in-depth overview of the planning landscape in Somerset and explained the Council’s progress in creating a new Local Plan, whilst highlighting the importance of engaging with developers throughout the planning process. There was further discussion about nutrient neutrality and the complications it poses for the county, as well as new towns and communities. Conversations about topics such as care home provision, and the inclusion of solar panels in new developments, were also informative for guests.

Out thanks to Cllr Rigby and guests for attending and contributing to such an interesting discussion. Our next online roundtable will be with Cllr Sarah Bogle, Cabinet Member for Economic Development (including Planning) for Southampton City Council on 4th February 2025.

If you would like to attend any of our forthcoming events, please email jamie@spbroadway.com

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