About Us

July 2024 – The Chancellor sets out case for planning reform in her first speech

We provide communications and PR assistance on development projects at all stages of the planning and construction process.

You could be:

  • Promoting a site for allocation in a district council’s Local Plan
  • Preparing to submit a planning application for the first time
  • Submitting a revised application following refusal of previous proposals
  • Submitting a ‘reserved matters’ application after ‘outline’ approval
  • Preparing for determination by a council’s Planning Committee
  • Preparing to begin construction once you have consent

In all these situations there will be people who you ought to be consulting with – whether it’s simply explaining your proposals to local councillors, or hearing the views of local residents before you submit a planning application for the first (or second) time.

We can organise and manage this process for you from start to finish:

Political and community engagement

  • Political briefing meetings
  • Community stakeholder meetings
  • Community liaison groups
  • Community workshops

Public Consultation

  • Public exhibitions
  • ‘Drop-in’ sessions
  • Leaflets / brochures / newsletters
  • Consultation websites
  • Canvassing

Media and Social Media

  • Press releases
  • Press briefings
  • Print & online media monitoring
  • Social media engagement

Pre-Committee Communications

  • Pre-committee briefing material
  • Committee presentations
  • Committee speeches

Post-Planning Communications

  • Resident liaison (i.e. a single point of contact)
  • Construction liaison groups
  • Construction newsletter updates

Our ability to build valuable relationships, based on a foundation of respect and forged through face-to-face contact, enables us to deliver success both for our clients and for the communities in which we work.

We have provided political and community engagement support for planning applications and strategic land allocations across the country.

Click here to view a list of the council areas where we have helped clients with engagement (represented by the orange dots on the map to the right).

We have also hosted roundtable discussions with councillors and MPs from across the country (represented by the blue dots on the map).

We are an official partner of the Northern Powerhouse, and have worked on strategic land allocations and planning applications across the Powerhouse area, from Tyneside to the Wirral.

If you would like to speak to us about a project in the North of England, send an email to Adam Robinson at adam@spbroadway.com.

We are pleased to be a supporter of the Terra Carta initiative, launched in 2021.

Visit www.sustainable-markets.org/terra-carta to find out more about this initiative.

Case Studies

Politics of Planning

Secretary of State Angela Rayner sets out Labour strategy in King’s Speech debate on Planning,…
July 22, 2024
The King’s Speech reveals Planning and Infrastructure Bill
July 18, 2024
Chancellor, Rachel Reeves MP, sets out case for planning reform in her first speech
July 8, 2024

Politics of Planning is our weekly planning update, bringing you the news and analysis you need to plot a successful planning course though fast-changing political waters.



Cllr Andy Graham
Leader, West Oxfordshire District Council
Council Offices, Woodgreen, WITNEY, Oxon, OX28 1NB
8.45am - 11am
September 05, 2024
Cllr Ken Williamson
Portfolio Holder for the Local Plan, Epping Forest District Council
Online via Microsoft Teams
7.45am - 10am
October 15, 2024
Cllr Denise Gaines
Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, West Berkshire Council
Online via Microsoft Teams
7.45am - 10am
November 12, 2024

Throughout the year we host roundtable
discussions between leading politicians and key figures within the development industry.

See All Events