The Planning Futures Member’s New Year Reception with Lee Rowley MP

On the 16th January 2024, members of SP Broadway attended a Planning Futures event in the Houses of Parliament, attended by Lee Rowley MP, the Minister for Housing, Planning and Building Safety.

Rowley acquired this portfolio for the second time in his career in November 2023, taking over from Rachel Maclean MP, with some political commentators citing his better media presence being the reason for his promotion, especially in the run up to a general election.

Rowley spoke on the government’s plans for housing, celebrating its successes such as the 2.5 million homes built in the last 13 years as well as the magnitude of the updated NPPF. He stated there was more work to do and he, and the government, were ‘deathly serious about getting this country building’.

In his speech, he stated he had four targets that echoed Michael Gove’s statements in interviews and at the recent Conservative Conference. They were as follows:

  • The country has to fall back in love with the future.
  • The country must build beautifully and be proud of new developments.
  • The country needs to build quicker.
  • The country needs to understand where challenges are in the planning industry and face them.

Rowley also noted that he wanted to see infrastructure built alongside developments and, echoing previous government policy on Local Plan led development, the government expected local authorities to move quickly on Local Plans to get the country building.

We extend our thanks to Planning Futures for organising this event and to Lee Rowley MP for taking time out of his busy schedule to attend.

Author: Edward Poynton

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