Case Study: 275 apartments, Westminster City Council



SP Broadway filled a Neighbourhood Liaison Officer role as part of the planning condition for the redevelopment of Abell House and Cleland House, Westminster SW1 during demolition and construction works.


Liaising with a large number (446) of stakeholder residents from neighbouring buildings during the demolition and construction of two residential apartment buildings.


  • Acted as a 24/7 single point of contact for external queries – filtering all resident queries to our client. This single point of contact is advertised on the Abell and Cleland House website.
  • Managed the distribution of a weekly e-newsletter to all residents outlining the demolition/construction timetable for the forthcoming week. This advance notice of noise, dust and disruption is designed to keep complaints to a minimum and was well received to date, reducing the volume of telephone calls received by the client.
  • Co-ordinated and managed a monthly Community Working Group Meeting (CWG) to provide a Steering Group mechanism for key residents and other interested parties during the demolition and construction process. Agendas were circulated by SP Broadway in advance and Minutes were hosted on the project website.
  • Managed a tri-monthly Community Liaison Group (CLG) to provide a liaison mechanism for local residents and other interested parties who were less interested in project detail but still wanted to be kept informed of key project milestones. Agendas were circulated by SP Broadway in advance and Minutes were hosted on the project website.
  • Organised and attended additional meetings with residents and stakeholders as particular issues developed.
  • Managed key community and project team contact databases.


The development has finished. Residents were kept well-informed and the client was happy.

Case Studies

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Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, West Berkshire Council
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