Case Study: 71 houses, Stroud District Council


Our client was seeking to build 71 homes on 7 acre site to the north of Cam, Gloucestershire, a large working village near the Severn estuary.


The site lay outside the defined settlement boundary of Cam, and Stroud District Council claimed that it already had a 5-year supply of housing land.


  • Taking a ‘bottom up’ approach to political consultation, we met first with the appropriate ward members on Cam Parish Council, followed by members of Stroud District Council including the Chairman of the Planning Committee.
  • We impressed upon them that the proposed homes, although outside Cam’s settlement boundary, would have little impact on the character of the area, were in a suitable location to integrate with the community, and were a deliverable addition to the housing supply.


Although Stroud District Council Planning Committee rejected the proposal, our client won consent on appeal.

In his ruling, the Planning Inspector agreed that the proposal would cause ‘limited harm to the character and appearance of the area’, was ‘broadly compatible with the…aim of locating development in sustainable locations’, and that Stroud District Council was ‘unable to demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing land’.

Case Studies

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Cllr Andy Graham
Leader, West Oxfordshire District Council
Council Offices, Woodgreen, WITNEY, Oxon, OX28 1NB
8.45am - 11am
September 05, 2024
Cllr Ken Williamson
Portfolio Holder for the Local Plan, Epping Forest District Council
Online via Microsoft Teams
7.45am - 10am
October 15, 2024
Cllr Denise Gaines
Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, West Berkshire Council
Online via Microsoft Teams
7.45am - 10am
November 12, 2024

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