Case Study: 165 new homes, Wyre Borough Council

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 Our client sought planning permission for 165 new homes on the edge of Hambleton, a village in Wyre Borough in Lancashire.


The site was located on a green field on the edge of the village.

An opposition group quickly formed and campaigned against the proposals on the grounds that new homes would impact the character of a small village. The group encouraged over 400 people, including the local MP, to submit letters of objection to the Council.


  • We undertook detailed political research into the views and allegiances of members of the Committee, identifying positive messages around the scheme that were likely to resonate with key members.
  • We produced and distributed a concise three-page briefing letter to all members of the Wyre Borough Council Planning Committee which outlined the key features of the proposal, and the lengthy consultation that shaped the application. The letter highlighted the sustainability of the site, and of the village of Hambleton, and detailed the generous amount of public open space that the development would provide.
  • We followed this briefing letter with courtesy calls to members of the Planning Committee to make sure that they had received the letter, and to establish who would be attending the Committee meeting. We produced a detailed analysis of the responses made by members, providing our client with information on the composition of the Committee on the night, this allowed our client’s speech to the Committee to be specially tailored.


The Wyre Borough Council Planning Committee voted to approve the application by 7 votes to 1.

Case Studies

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Group Land & Planning Director, Barratt Redrow
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Leader of Swindon Borough Council
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March 11, 2025

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